Audio and video solutions for
professionals and enthusiasts
VOGO develops, markets and deploys its own simple, high-performance audio & video solutions worldwide.
They facilitate and enrich interactions between the key players involved in a sporting event or field mission.
Discover our wide range of solutions dedicated to sports, industry and audiovisual professionals.
Pro sport
Sport semi pro & AMATEUR
VOGO Audio & Video Solutions
Video refereeing has become a crucial tool for ensuring fair and accurate decisions in sports competitions. The level of play has never been higher. Clubs, leagues, federations, and event organisers invest in the sport, not in a game of chance. One poor decision can ignite the stands and lead to dramatic consequences. Today, we have…
They trust us

We remain agile and flexible
We are VOGO

Our audio and video solutions are available worldwide through our network of distributors and resellers. Discover them on our interactive map.
41% growth compared with 2021.
France : Montpellier (HQ), Paris, Grenoble
USA : New York
United-Kingdom : Bath
Ideas and the desire to get going and succeed together…
Audio Solutions
Audio to meet your challenges
Video solution
A new use for video
Combined Solutions
Combine audio and video
your product?
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Radio, audio and video communication solutions (VAR, TMO) for professionals
VOGO – Radio and audio communication solutions for sports, industry and pro audio
At VOGO, we specialize in high-quality video and audio communication solutions for the sports, industrial and audiovisual markets. VOKKERO products, our brand of wireless audio communication systems for VAR referees, sports staff, medical teams, technical teams and ground crews, benefit from exceptional audio clarity and real-time transmission. We also offer live & replay solutions for sporting events through our VOGOSPORT and VOGOSCOPE brands, enabling multiple angles to be captured for live or pre-recorded broadcasts. Discover our innovative solutions tailored to your needs and your field of activity.
Video solution for VAR/TMO
We alo provide video solutions (VAR/TMO) that enable referees to make quick and accurate decisions on the field.
The VOGOSPORT ELITE solution meets the international standards for video refereeing and integrates seamlessly into professional VAR systems in football, TMO in rugby, or video replay for indoor sports.
VAR/VAR Light Video Solutions
Today, FIFA authorizes two distinct VAR systems for official matches:
VAR: Requires a minimum of 4 cameras positioned around the field.
VAR Light: A simplified version that includes 4 to 8 cameras and relies entirely on manual operation by the video assistant referee. This system makes VAR accessible to all competitions and leagues while accommodating even the most limited budgets.
Wireless vokkero audio communication for the noisiest environments
Our wireless audio communication solutions are designed to operate in the noisiest environments, providing clear, reliable communication in difficult conditions. Whether you work in industry, sport or professional audio, we have the solution you need to improve your communication.
In short, VOGO is an industry leader in communication solutions for sport and industry, offering a wide range of products to meet our customers’ needs. Whether you’re looking for radio and audio communication solutions, video solutions for VAR/TMO or industry, or wireless audio solutions for noisy environments, VOGO has what you need. Contact us today to find out more about our products and services.